CRYOSKIN - Slimming, Toning + Anti-Aging | daily-calm-net
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Non-Invasive fat loss technology to help you shape the body you want.

What is Cryoskin?

Cryoskin is a revolutionary machine from Italy which uses heat and cold to reduce fat cells and tone/tighten the skin.  The technology is applied using a massage technique, which is painless and non-invasive.  No suction, no surgery.  Just incredible results.

How does it work?

The session lasts for 28 minutes and is done manually through a massage technique for the most natural looking results.  The treatments are 100% non-invasive and there is no downtime.

How quickly will I see results?

Fat reduction is generally visible from the first session.  We recommend a series of five consecutive sessions for the best results.


Cryoslimming ®

The Cryoslimming ™ treatment uses cold temperatures to reduce fat.  It is completely non-invasive and uses science that works with your body's natural systems.  Don't just take our word for it.  See the results for yourself!

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CryoToning ®

With Cryotoning ™ there's finally a real, non-invasive solution to help you reduce stubborn cellulite.  When diet and exercise aren't enough, Cryoskin will help you to achieve the look you've been striving for.


Cryoskin facial uses cool temperatures to boost collagen production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and pores and improving skin elasticity.  A natural, non-invasive way to look younger and more radiant.

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Cryoskin cools the skin just enough to kill fat cells whilst improving the quality of your skin.

No suction.  No surgery.  Just incredible results.

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